Breastfeeding experience/formula/bottlefed

Im a first time mom, and Im looking for advice from experienced mamas.

My original plan was to breastfeed. Thats it. I didnt know what that meant, and I still dont fully understand it. I had to supplement formula for the 1st week, as I was having issues breastfeeding. But since week 1 my baby has been EBF. He is now 8 weeks old and it is going beautifully for us. At this point, I know for sure that I am going to EBF until he starts to teeth. I really want to breastfeed alongside of solids beyond that, but Im honestly not sure what that means for us.

Lately, my family has been continuously bringing up formula and bottle feedings. Sometimes it feels like they only want him bottle fed for their own selfish wants. They will say things like "I wish you were bottle feeding him so you could drop him off at my house for the day." Other times other individuals will say "So what, are you just going to breastfeed for 2 years straight?" Sometimes we will have a talk about how "moms need personal time too. The more time you take for yourself, it will be beneficial and you will see a positive response from baby." But not once have I ever complained to anyone about spending too much time with my baby. Quite the opposite actually. I LOVE it. I never want to be away from him. And I do go on dates with my partner and run errands, etc without baby. I do have time to shower, or read quietly if I so please.

I think that other people's opinions have started to steer me off the path I had originally wanted. I was just wondering what other mamas feeding experiences were? Im looking for mixed opinions, but I would also love to hear from someone who did breastfeed their child for years and how they planned their everyday lives around it. 😊