You’re an ass

You smell really bad because of your poor hygiene. I almost gagged kissing you. You gave me anxiety. You made me feel unloved and unlovable. You made me feel lonely. You made me afraid of you. You hurt me. You made me feel like I was nothing. You asked me to change myself so that your friends and family would like me. You made me feel like I was only good for what my body had to offer. You made me feel used. You were unkind to those I love right in front of me. You made me forget who I was. You made me feel crazy. You embarrassed me. You made me feel dirty. I want you to know that you’re not entitled to anything in this world, especially not me or my body. You don’t know everything. You’re not better than anyone. Shame on you for being the person that you are. Honestly, same goes for your family, you were all SO disgusting to me and still are. You should never have treated me the way you did, it’s so so wrong. I hate you for it. I’m so angry, and so unbelievably hurt by it all. I still think about it all the time. I’m working on forgiving you all despite that. I don’t want to, but I know I have to for my own well-being.