What should I do?


My mom is making me do track. I dont want to. Her excuses are "your dad was a track star" and "you're built like a runner" and "you're fast". Just because I'm good at running, doesnt mean I WANT to run. She doesnt seen to grasp that. She made me go out for cross country earlier in the year. I loved most of the girls there, but running 1 1/2 miles everyday was NOT my thing. She says I need to get involved and that I need exercise. I told her I'd be more than willing to join a swim team or pick up ice skating again. (I did it until I was about 7) I dont want to join because I hate most the girls that do it, everybody takes it super seriously, to the point that its heated, not fun. I'm self conscious about my legs/butt, and you have to wear tiny shorts. Almost everyone there has experience, and I've never ran before, and I dont know the rules. I dont want to look dumb in front of a bunch of girls that hate me while I'm hot and sweaty. Track is outside in January. My mom made me go out for volleyball, and I was the only one there that didnt have prior experience and after 2 weeks i still wasnt picking up on anything. It was embarrassing and I dont want track to be the same. I really don't want to do this. I've told her but she doesn't care. Anytime i bring got up she doesnt want to talk about it. Any advice would be helpful.

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