Back pain & intense nausea on and off. DPO 6 days. Implantation?



So I have been having symptoms for a few days now and they've been driving me crazy! It was probably just conception or my body preparing for my period. I know implantation can happen anywhere between 6 days - 12 ( I know someone that actually implanted on 4 dpo lmao but it must be very rare).

But today I woke up with pack pain ( I think it's mostly in my left side?) and my legs were aching. . I had an intense headache (not a migraine but I did see spots in my vision so it almost was a migraine I think...),

I've been really hungry and I don't eat a lot and today I can't stand the idea of cheese, I don't want to smell it or eat it, it's making me super nauseous and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I have been getting heat flashes as well as my temp is up. I don't want food that I usually love before my period and I've been craving crackers and salty stuff??

The nausea has been on and off.


Thank you xx