Sleep 😩 help


Is the Taking Cara Babies 3-4 month class worth purchasing? Has anyone tried it? I posted recently about my baby girl (14 weeks) and her sleep inconsistencies and how she doesn’t really sleep long stretches. She’s also definitely not getting nearly as much sleep as she should for her age. Its 4:20am right now and she slept a 3 hour stretch, woke up and I fed her, then went back down and woke up just 40 minutes later, rocked and went down again.. woke up 7 (yes, SEVEN) minutes later and now I’m holding her. 😩 This chica is definitely just not a great sleeper but I feel like maybe I need some strategies to help her.

Taking Cara babies 3-4 month class worth it??? I don’t want to spend the money for it to just tell me to use a sound machine, make it dark, etc for things I’ve already tried or are currently doing. Thoughts?? Or any advice of your own is appreciated too!!

Thank you!! 😴