Daycare drama!!!

Anyone else have a hard time handling their daycare providers?

This is my first time taking my child to a daycare provider. She has been going to this one lady, Macy, for a year now. Ever since we started this lady has been nothing but drama. She is GREAT with our daughter and I can tell our daughter really likes her, but she is flakey and snarky.

6 months ago my husbands work hours changed making it so we couldn’t pick up our daughter until 15min after Macy closed. I told Macy and she told me to find another daycare. So I did. She then changed her mind and said she can keep my daughter for the extra 15min a day. So we stayed. After about 3 weeks she then changed her mind and said she can’t do it any more. So we looked else where. She then said she could keep our daughter but only if we paid a “late fee” so we are currently doing that now. The only reason I kept her there is because I can tell my daughter likes her and is comfortable with her.

But now there are other small instances.

So my daughter goes to Macy’s 4 days a week though I pay for 5. I will sometimes drop her off on Fridays while I run errands (always giving her a heads up DAYS before I decide to drop her off on Fridays). Well Macy has been getting huffy and puffy about it and has made up reasons why my daughter can’t come in on Fridays whether she is sick, another kid is sick, her son has an appt, etc. Well after rescheduling appts over and over again I told her today that I have an appt this Friday and will be dropping off my daughter for 2 hours. She responds with a remark that she will have to tell her Friday drop-ins that they can no longer come in since my daughter will be coming in on Fridays for now on.

Wtf!?!? I never said that. But even if I did why are her drop-ins my problem? I pay for 5 days!!!!

I am just sooooooo over her drama and wish-washy personality.

Is it me? Are all daycare providers like this?