Out of my comfort zone..

I am a first time, stay at home mom but I'm not very social. We moved just before we had a baby and he's 9 months old now. I don't have close family or friends and the couple friends we have don't have kids. I've never been one to go meet new people or go do new things but I'm trying so hard to because my baby is a social bug! Well today we went to a mommy and me class and each made a new friend! She gave me her number and said we should do a play date. I feel weird scheduling play dates though because she clearly has a lot more money then me and not that my house is gross or small, I just know that her car cost more then my house and my mom always taught me to never invite myself to someone else's house. 🤦‍♀️ Well anyways, I'm trying to give this boy the best life and I know that means me feeling awkward and stepping out of my comfort zone! Here's to a new year! 💙