Pregnancy dreams are so weeeird!

Shai 💝

Last night I had a dream that I was in the hospital, but not for delivery. I must've been having complications or something.... Anyways, my fiance was sitting beside the bed and I randomly reached under the blankets and pulled out this tiny little baby. It had just been born with no effect from me or any pain apparently. I asked my fiance to check what the baby was and he said, "Its a boy!"

We're looking at this little baby and then he goes, "Should we be worried though? Since you were only 17 weeks?" And I freaked out telling him to get the nurse or something, and that's when I woke up to pee 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

I hope this is just crazy hormones and not something telling me that something bad will happen later in my pregnancy 😭

When I went back to sleep I started dreaming that my dad was over and I said, "Oh! Hang on a second!" And I ran upstairs and grabbed my baby (a boy again) and brought him downstairs. Apparently nobody knew that I had him 🤦🏻‍♀️

Tell me your weird dreams! The more dreams, the better! I'm bored and need something to read 😂😂