Is this normal?


I feel like I worry about literally every little thing. But, for the past two days my daughter (she is 12 weeks 5 days old) hasn’t wanted to eat (breastfed and screaming at the breast all of a sudden). She also has been sleeping a ton! She’s only awake for mayyyyybe an hour and then sleeps like 2 and so on until bedtime when she sleeps from 10:00pm-9:00am with two feeding breaks in there somewhere. She is usually a really chill baby, but she has been really fussy lately too. I feel like she isn’t getting enough to eat because she is only having like 4 wet diapers a day! Should I be concerned or is this normal? Maybe she is going through a spurt or leap or something? I just don’t want her to get dehydrated or to lose weight because she is already not gaining weight super well. Ahhh. Someone help! Lol