Early Austim Signs

My baby boy is just short of 10 months old. I am concerned he may be showing early signs of austim but I am also an extremely anxious person. There is certain behaviors he does that makes me question possible signs of austim and other reasons why I feel I might be just worried.

Reasons I feel he may be showing signs

A little bit of delays

- not crawling or close to crawling.. not any interest either

- sometimes he seems so lost in his own world I can say his name a bunch of times and give up from no response and sometimes he responds right away by looking at me (didnt really start working on his name until maybe a month ago otherwise used nicknames)

- sometimes he seems to avoid eye contact because hes busy looking at everything around me. If I sing a song to him to get his attention he makes great eye contact and smiles though 🤷‍♀️

- he does not point at things yet, but usually he looks where I am pointing usually.

- no cruising yet

- does some odd hand movements at times like randomly opening and closing his fist. Or flapping arms around

Things he is doing

Most of the other milestones expect at 9-10 months.

- working on pulling up. Needs a little bit of assistance. Sitting on my lap he will use the coffee table to pull up without any issues. If he is on the floor he struggles a bit to stand up completely.

- babbles a bit "dada" "da" "wa" sometimes "daddy" with no meaning to daddy yet. Few other odd noises haha

- claps randomly and sometimes when I ask

- tracks falling objects

- great pincer grasp

- knows strangers from familiar faces

- cries sometimes when I leave the room

- plays well with toys

Any thoughts?