Please help, big secret

Pregnant with third, we have a boy and a girl, we had gender reveals for both of those babies

Number 3 was a surprise but i said from the get go that I did not want to find out the gender. Well husband disagrees and it’s started to become quite the sore subject as the pregnancy progresses. However. I’ve been firm that we aren’t finding out, yet he’s been firm that we are.

I’ve also been openly adamant that the baby is a boy one hundred percent (and he knows that i was right with my “feelings” with the genders of the others as well)

My four year old is excited that mommy has a baby in her tummy and calls it a boy and brother, so on etc

I decided to give in, find out gender and surprise my husband, Well he couldn’t make it to the sonogram, so I didn’t say anything but I still had the sonogram and found out the sex with the intentions of still surprising my husband another way

And just like i knew in my heart. Its a boy

I’ll admit almost instantly I was so upset that I found out. I wanted so badly to wait until the birth. I do feel closer to the baby knowing the gender, but I hate that I lost that opportunity to find out later

Anyway, I decided to tell my husband in a strategic elaborate way this Sunday, and today I hear him say “yea she’s determined to wait to find out, so I guess we’ll find out what it is in June”

Im shattered, I caved to make him happy and he’s done the exact same thing

So part of me wants to swallow the key and still let it be a surprise for everyone else, and have that little secret to myself. And part of me says just go on with the gender reveal.

I definitely need some advice

Thank you

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