Post natal depression! I need advice!!

So I gave birth just over 3 weeks ago to our beautiful little baby girl. The pregnancy was fine no complications and the Labour was perfect. However the last week I have been suffering SERVERE post natal depression.. at the beginning of the week I couldn’t cuddle my baby and couldn’t bond with her, I had feelings of not wanting to be in this world anymore because the dark feeling I had in my soul, I’ve never had any thoughts of harming my baby girl but my partner has been doing everything! I couldn’t even change her nappy without having MAJOR anxiety.. he’s been doing all the night feeds and everything with her. It got to the point where I wasn’t eating and was severely dehydrated as the hospital couldn’t even take my blood due to my veins collapsing. I’ve started to eat w little bit now and I have started to be able to have cuddles with my daughter (skin on skin) but I still have to sleep in the spare room and leave my partner to do the jight feeds as I just can’t cope with them. When I’ve had a full nights sleep I feel better in my mood but I’m constantly feeling like I’m not in my own body and it’s horrible! How long will this last and has anyone experienced this before? Please tell me there’s light at the end of the tunnel.. I’m not on anti depressants as they made me very poorly.. any advice I’m grateful for but please be kind as this is the worst feeling in the world!