
Kasey • 27 🤱🏼 girl mom ❤️ Bachelors in Psychology with a minor in Human Sexuality 🌸

So this is my first time charting my BBT, this is my first month off BC in ten years and I’m not TTC this cycle, but I wanted to start tracking so I can get an idea about when I’m ovulating for my next cycle when we are starting to try. As I’m tracking this just seems not right? The algorithm has me ovulating today (obviously this is based on my cycle while I’m on birth control so it’s probably wrong). If I understand correctly your temperature is supposed to drop when you ovulate and then spike after(which I don’t have charted obviously 🤷🏼‍♀️). I guess I’m a little confused about what means what and was wondering if anyone experienced could look at this and explain how it works a little more clearly, please and thank you ❤️ my husband and I will be TTC for the first time next cycle and I’m very excited.