How do I tell my best friend his gf doesn’t want to be with him?

Loving life

My best friend has been with his gf for 2 years. I don’t think she really wants to be with him though. She’s in medical school so her plate is really full. They were planning on moving to ATL together a year ago. (We live in NYC) then one day she stopped talking to him out of no where blocked him on everything imaginable. Then a month later he ran into a friend of hers and found out she moved to ATL without him ! He was so crushed !

Fast forward to maybe 2 months later and somehow he gets back with this girl and moved to ATL to be with her. Her birthday was this passed November and he made a really big break in his career. since they have no friends or family out there he flew us all out to celebrate with them. During that time she was such a bitch to him she was really upset that he invited everyone. she said she had to study so she stayed in a hotel the whole weekend we were there.

Now fast forward to Christmas . He got her a CAR! A really expensive freaking car ! The next day ! December 26! She told him she doesn’t want him around her anymore that she wants him to move out that he’s a distraction to her studies but she still wants to be in a relationship. How stupid does that sound. Now apart of me gets it because I’m studying for the bar so I know it can be stressful to balance life. But come on girl you don’t have to be a bitch about it. He’s working on moving out but being that he just bought that stupid car money is tight. New Years is here we always spend NYE at my apt in New York he shows up, alone. We’re all coupled up so everyone’s like uhhh where’s your gf. He tells us she said she doesn’t want to spend New Years with him this year that they can do something on the weekend.

Now I told him off! Because why the hell does he sit around for this girl when she treats him like shit. I know he can be clingy but in a world full of inconsistent douche bag guys, girl take your golden ticket when you get one ! But anyway I’m like dude this girl doesn’t want to be with you, you have to let her go. LEAVE HER! She’s clearly trying to leave you.

Now he’s mad at me because we have a rule where we don’t tell each other to exit a relationship unless it’s a safety issue. we let the person go through it on their time because although we tell each other what goes on we’re not actually living it they are.

But idc that he’s mad fuck her ! I’m drunk