Not sure what to do


I need some help. Last night, my boyfriend was ordering a lyft and I was looking at his phone while he was doing it. I didn’t intend to snoop on him or anything because I trust him, but when he closed the Lyft app, I swear I saw Tinder on his home page with 1 notification. When we were going to our next location later, I was looking at his phone again while he was ordering it and I didn’t see the app anymore where I thought I saw it the first time, so I’m not sure if I imagined it. Anyways, I’ve been really upset about it all day and don’t like spending my new year’s day crying, but here we are. I’m trying to decide if I should talk to him right away, or wait until the next time we hang out to see if I notice anything? I don’t want to accuse him of it, because that’s a big accusation. He hasn’t been shady lately and always introduces me as his girlfriend, but I’m pretty sure I saw it. I hadn’t had any alcohol at that point so it’s not like I drunkenly mistook another app for it. I need advice please!