Almost 37 weeks... having bad period like cramps

Hi I am almost 37 weeks with my first, last night I started having period like cramping, accompanied by the urge to poo, and then I got nauseas with the pain and puked a few times. All night I was uncomfortable but was able to sleep some, still having slight period pains and back pain. This morning I was still having the period like pains, back pain, and I puked again during a few of the cramps. I called and asked if I should be seen and she said it sounds normal but to come in if they get worse or time them and if they are 5 min apart come in. (Or if water breaks ect.)

I have been in pain all day now, it’s like strong period cramping but the pain doesn’t ever fully go away but gets stronger in random waves. Also feeling a ton of pelvic pressure, so much so that it hurts to walk. Does it sound like I’m in the beginning stages of labor? The pain isn’t necessary timed the same amount apart but it’s bad when it comes, radiates to my back. Should I go in?