Daycare starts tomorrow...


We are sending our LO to an in home daycare starting tomorrow but I will be working from home. I have been dreading this day for the past month. I don't know how I am going to deal with seeing his empty bed, changing table and various baby things all day. I really don't know how I'm going to get through this. Just needing some words of encouragement I guess 😭 💔. My husband doesn't seem nearly as affected as I am by this.

Update: My hubby dropped him off this morning (I reminded him to take him out of his car seat and hand him to his teacher) and there were tears as soon as I shut the car door. Luckily I got to go feed him on lunch and he looked exhausted and out of it 😭 he only ate an ounce from the bottle at both of his feedings. He seemed more aware after I fed him and I got some smiles. We hung out for a little before I had to go back home to work. At pick up he was asleep on his teacher though but was hungry again, and I fed him before heading home. I haven't cried this much or felt this heartbroken, I missed him with my whole being and it felt so wrong being away from him. Hoping tomorrow will be easier...if only a little and next week will be a little easier still. He is sleeping on me as I'm writing comes the tears again... Thanks for letting me know im not alone and all the encouragement. P.S. chocolate helps a little 😭