Ovulation/implantation advice


Hey there - wanted to reach out in here to see if anyone had some insight.

I had sex on December 25 at around 10am. We are TTC. We did not have sex again for a couple of days. However, on December 29 which would now be 5 days from the last time, I know I ovulated as I felt the pain. The days prior to the 29 my ovulation strips were testing positive. They have slowly faded to negative from the 30th to today.

I know that sperm can only survive for max 5 days. Since the 29 when I am certain I ovulated was 5 days later (ovulation pain came around 2pm). Is it still possible I could conceive? How likely is it the sperm can live longer?

Sorry for this long winded post

Thanks in advance for your input and advice!!