Any other mamas with breech babies?


I found out on Monday that my baby is no longer head down and is now breech. Attempted an ECV which was very painful and ultimately unsuccessful 😭 I’ll be 38 weeks tomorrow and not hopeful of baby turning on it’s own before my next appointment on Tuesday. So a c-section is being scheduled for Jan 10th (originally due Jan 16th). Not gonna lie, a c-section has always been one of my worst fears so hearing I would need one put me in tears. I’ve since begun to come to terms with the news and am just trying to keep myself busy so I’m not constantly thinking about it and stressing. I’ve repacked my hospital bags (and my daughter’s overnight bag to stay with her grandparents) to accommodate a 3 night stay vs 1 night. I got the rest of the baby clothes put away and am trying to get my house top notch clean because I ONLY HAVE 9 DAYS UNTIL THIS BABY COMES NOW!!

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