Friend likes borrowing my things

I have a friend who doesn’t have much money, still has everything she needs, but she wants to borrow my clothes & shoes often. I feel bad for her because she doesn’t have much money and buys everything from op shops, and I buy more expensive things that I really don’t want her borrowing. I know it sounds petty of me, its just she’s always asking to borrow things or for me to give her my old clothes, and I’ve given her a lot for free, but she still wants to borrow my stuff. She also loves to eat & drink at mine. I don’t have a lot of money either, I just spend it on nice things when I can.

How can I tell her in a nice way without offending her; that I don’t like sharing my things? I know it sounds mean of me, I feel mean even writing this, but I just feel like I have to keep giving and giving to her and I don’t want to anymore. Any advice?