14 weeks + 1 day (2 ER VISITS later)


I’m posting for reassurance. This past week, my husband and I have both gone through stomach viruses (the norovirus) and I became dehydrated quickly where I was bleeding from mouth and nose. (Not down there thank goodness) They gave me IV, Tylenol and Reglan. Was released after ultrasound confirm baby was healthy.

This past weekend we both have been trying to recover, and it was going well, but now for the past two days I’ve been with a fever that is fluctuating from 99.6 to 100.6. My throat is sore, my body aches, headaches/migraines and eyes are watery. No stuffy nose.

I’m googling (yeah I know) how to keep my fever low, and I keep getting articles about autism and 2nd trimester fevers.

Someone please reassure me that I’m not harming my baby because I’m willing to go to ER again. Anything for my little one.