Teething and congestion?

C 💚

I've googled this but the answers kinda seem all over the place.

My little guy is just shy of 4 months old. He's most definitely teething considering the amount of drool and spit up and wanting to chew on everything.

He's also been congested since birth. Doctor said it's normal and he should outgrow it as he gets older.

Today, I've noticed he's coughing a bit (I figured that's due to the extra saliva in his mouth and whatnot) but he's also more congested than usual- like actual dried booger snot on his nose which he's never had. He seems to be a little clinger than usual but, he doesn't have a fever.

Any of you other mamas going through something like this? Could it be teething related? Or maybe he's coming down with something considering it's that time of year? I'm a FTM so I dunno what exactly I should do.

I'm considering calling the doctor but I know we wouldn't be able to get in till next week. 🤔