Do you think it’s more important to make more money or to spend more time with your kids?

Do you think it’s more important to make money or spend time with your kids?

If you could survive on one income or if you could survive working a few less hours per week would you or would your drive to make more money still be higher than the drive to spend more time with your kids?

I know there’s people in many different situations out there and not everyone has the option to work less hours, but there are also people out there that likely could but are just more driven by their work which is fine too.

I grew up with a single mother who always worked really hard. I was in daycare a lot and also spent lots of time with other family members while she worked late shifts like 3-11’s or midnights. She worked many doubles when she could to make overtime and many days I’d be in school all day and she’d be gone by the time I got home so I’d only see her for maybe half an hour in the morning before school and she’d come home long after I was asleep for the night. I appreciate all she did for us but now that I’m older I kind of think I would have preferred her to work less and spend more time with me. When I think back so many of my memories were made with people besides her, which is fine, but that’s something you can never get back. Time that is gone forever which is why I’m asking this question.

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