My friend "Jen"

So cool here we go sophomore year of high school my boyfriend and I had been together for 9 monthsish. The first person I told that I was dating him was this girl we gonna call her Jen. I have known Jen since 5th grade. In the past couple years we started to grow closer and I started to notice things about Jen. First of all she's really high strung and everything is a really big deal with her. Also she thinks that all of her friends are her best friend and that they should spend a lot of time with her. Now if all this stuff(that I dealt with for a year and a half) sounds bad already let me tell you why we aren't friends. Jen texts me one day and asks me if I had been in a place with my bf doing certain things recently I said no and asked why, Jen responded by saying she had just heard something and a band competition from someone that goes to our school. Ask who it was she brushes it off I ask if it was this other girl(we'll call her stella) she says no. So I talk to my bf and a couple of my friends about this which she gets mad about because

1. there her friends too which I mean sorry which share a friend group I'm not talking shit I'm

stating what you did jen

2. our friends were taking my side cause Jen is crazy

I ask who it was again and she tells me that I'm using her to get information(information that she told me existed then denied to tell me), and that she feels "used"(these days I laugh at how pitiful and stupid that was). Then I tell this other friend what happened with Jen and she tells me she heard the same story from someone who told them that stella had been telling people at the band competition. And when I ask her if it was stella again she denied it, she lied to me twice and tried to make this situation seem like it was my fault.

I haven't had much of a conversation with Jen in months despite seeing her at school almost everyday. I got tired of her shit. As for Stella welp her and I were never that close anyways.

Sorry for the length of this post thanks for reading