Zakery Brady Anderton born 10/23/15 at 10:21PM

Zakery Brady Anderton born 10/23/15 at 10:21PM. 6 Ib 9.5 oz and 20 inches long. Born in Orlando, FL at Tree Of Life Birthing Center. Completely all natural , no drugs. 32 hours of labor! 
I had amazing midwives that didn't give up on me, even though I wanted to throw in the towel multiple times. It was so intense with contractions back to back with no break in between. Dilation was stuck at 4 for hours! Once I got to 6cm it took 20 mins to climb up to a 10. Baby boy finally decided to fly out. We are both very healthy. I'm on cloud 9. My story is proof that it is possible to have a all natural birth drug free even though my water broke completely and I had trouble dilating. I would have possibly been a csection case if I was in the hospital. After my son was born, I was crying as I grabbed and held his silky froggy body. Telling him I waited forever for you and gleamed and looked up at everyone tears flowing saying "i did it! I did it!"
My dream came true!