Baby maybe😊


So I'm 38w3d today and had my check up. She thinks I'll be having the baby by this weekend at the latest. I'm 80% effaced and 1 to 2 cm dialated. Head is way down. She said the moment I have strong contractions to come right in to not wait and labor at home cause it's my 4th kid and the way things are going he's gonna come out fast. Doc. told me to go home, have sex and drink some Raspberry Leaf Tea😂. Yay, I'm excited but trying to not get my Hope's up😊. But god the pain! Oh and sex is so off the table. My SO is so sick been puking all night. But due to stomach stress not a flu or anything contagious. So for now I'm starting my very yucky first cup of tea☕ wish me luck ladies😊