Homewreckering relationship successful?

So here’s the story

They dated Adriana and Tom, (I believe he cheated) broke up, found someone new, got his new girl (Jenny) pregnant, lived together, all while Adriana continued speaking to tom. He would contact her when he wasn’t home to rant about Jenny and when he would get home, would block her number then unblock when he wanted to speak to her. All Bc “he wanted to get to know” Adriana more. This happened for about a year, their (Tom and Jenny’s) child is only 6 months old, so it happened throughout Jenny’s pregnancy as well as once the baby was born. Adriana constantly messaged him telling him that he should break up with Jenny and did that until she finally got in between them.

Within a week Adriana brings him home to meet the family. Started taking him out on dinners with her family as well as trips. A week before, he was out with Jenny and their child, they had posted family pictures on Facebook.

Adriana suddenly wants to be Jenny’s daughter’s step mom and Is talking about getting married to him.

She has gone as far as telling her nieces and nephew to start calling him “uncle” because he will be their uncle soon. Adriana seriously believes that Tom is the one and wrote on her goals board that she wants them to get married. after talking to her over and over about it, she refuses to let him go.

Adriana is my sister, I have no idea what to do anymore, she constantly brings him home and I feel like I no longer have peace in my own house.

My questions basically are:

-What can I do to help Adriana see what’s going on?

-do you believe in the saying once a cheater, always a cheater?

-is this situation, in any way right?

-do relationships that start like this usually last?

-has anyone else been in a situation like this?

-advice plz!