4mo fighting eating

Amanda • 30/ 🇨🇦 / Baby Girl born 08/29/19

My daughter is 4 months and I breast feed. Lately she’s been super difficult to feed. When I nurse her she will latch, suck for maybe a minute or two and then she’ll just bite down (no teeth yet, thank god) and she pulls. I swear she’s trying to rip my nipples off my body.

I’ll take a short break when she does this and she motions that she’s still hungry, and then when I latch her on again she barely sucks.

Nursing sessions are taking 1.5-2 hours lately and it’s driving me nuts. It’s like she’s hungry, but then has no interest in nursing.

I thought maybe she was just getting more efficient at eating and was content after 5-10 mins and then was basically just comfort nursing or playing around, but then she still acts like she’s hungry afterwards.

Just a phase?