

Anyone else a military spouse? We got orders to a new base just over a month ago I am pregnant but they are trying to deny me to travel to this base due to my past history with my first pregnancy and ppd which I have been cleared for over a year of since I got denied to travel and we started the fight to change it and get me to be allowed to go with my husband he has been very distant he doesn’t want to talk to me about anything he just goes to play his video games and shoot things he has turned our bedroom into his gaming room I can’t even sleep in there bc he’s so loud and the room is lit up from his computer screens and I don’t know how to get thru to him I truly feel like if we can’t go to the base or if he turns down these orders he will blame me or blame me and this baby I know I’m emotional right now but tonight even said our son is the only good thing he has and I’m like I’m standing right here I’m your wife I have birthed you a child and I’m going to again I have fallowed you when you joined I support you with everything but I’m no good? I feel like he regrets marrying me and I hate feeling this way they said he can leave in April with out me and our children and I will come at a later date after being cleared by drs but I honestly think if he goes with out me he’s not going to want me to join him overseas they said it could take 6-12 months before I could get to him I don’t think he will have a connection with this new baby and he won’t care to say the least I mean he’s already made comments that he’ll raise our son and I’ll raise this baby and I’m like that’s not how this works... am I just being too emotional? Any tips to get him to talk to me? I’m running out of hope..