Toddler memory


This might be a little random, but I wonder how good your toddlers memory is? My little girl is 3 month shy of 3 years and I’m kind of kind blown away by her memory. A year and a half ago my SIL stayed with her (the first and only time) one afternoon and put her to sleep for the night because I was in the hospital for an outpatient procedure. She’s very close to my SIL and almost every time she sees her she tells me “Mommy, remember when Titi stayed with me and put me to sleep? She gave me a bath and read the octopus book?”. A year ago we went on vacation to the beach, and every time she sees sand she tells me “Mommy, do you remember the big orange fish we saw at the beach? And the turtle nest? You can’t touch the nest! Remember?”

She remembers so much random stuff, like when she feel of the swing at the playground a year ago, her friends birthday party and what they had for treats almost 9 month ago. If I tell her we’re going to do this or that tomorrow, she’ll wake up asking to go there. She remembers everything I say!

I think it’s kind of funny that she remembers so many things, and I wonder how long those memories will last? I don’t really have any specific childhood memories from before I was 5 or so. I wonder if she will forget at one point, or will she remember those things in a couple of years? What’s your experience?