About sex...

Hey guys I'm 16 and I've only had one boyfriend back in like 6th grade and the most we did was cuddle lol. So obviously I have like no experience with sex at all.

But I was curious about something

I always hear how kids shouldn't think sex is like porn where it's all simultaneous orgasms and stuff which I get.

But I also feel like there really is no way to know about sex even when you have had it until you watch things like that.

Like I watch a lot of mature films, movies, shows, just to get an idea about the passion behind it or even the deceitfulness that it can lead to and i feel like those films and porn all together help me understand sex as much as I can with my very limited 🤐😂 experience.

I'm not sure if I'm necessarily allowed to watch the things I do because obviously my parents don't know and they are rated R and TV MA for a reason (scarring ngl) but I think as kids get older they should possibly be introduced to things like that. I know it shouldn't be what's expected but how should we know what's expected? Like it came from somewhere, there are people who have those kinks and fetishes etc and I don't necessarily think kids should be shunned away from exploring what media has to say about sex.
