I want my baby to come by next week but now....


But now idk because my sister just found out today that her dad passed away. He was found in his apartment after no one could reach him. We live in Indy and her dad is in Tennessee and they are going down there next week for the funeral and I obviously can't travel that long in a car plus it won't be enough room even though they're taking my van. I wanted to go because I knew him too and he was a good person and I would have loved to pay my respects. But I'm kinda scared I'll go into labor while they're down there and I won't have my mom here with me or my sister here to watch my kids. I've been contracting every other day and sometimes they're 3-4 mins apart lasting a min and going on for at least 2-3 hours. When I got checked I was dilated to a 1. That was last week. I have an appointment today and I'm gonna ask them to check me again and I hope I've made some progress. Because I'll be full term by next week but now I'm wanting baby to stay put until my family gets back from Tennessee. Okay I'm done with my Rant lol but please pray for us during this loss. Thank you.