Really just love my boyfriend

Trigger warning: Emotional talk/Abortion talk

Me and my boyfriend met one year ago at college. Looking back, I had no idea he would become such a big part of my everyday life. He was such a sweetheart from the moment I met him. Super shy, kinda anxious, but very friendly. We met on a Friday, and I didn't think I'd see him again after that weekend. Turns out, we had a few mutual friends and we began talking a lot more over time.

Me and my boyfriend got together one month later. Apparently, we've had feelings for each other weeks before, but we were both so dense and shy to say anything. So much happened that day; Our first kiss, our first date, it was super awkward, but it was a pleasant experience.

Since then, we've had our issues too. Both of us have emotional trauma relating to a variety of things— self-esteem, assault, self-harm, depression, anxieties— but we work through them together. I don't think I'd be here today if it weren't for him. We've both had our moments... and we've both nearly committed suicide while we were together.

November 2019... I found out I was pregnant. We were both excited, but... equally terrified. We were both still only 18, turning 19 in the next couple months, still going to school, struggling with work and living with our parents... we knew we weren't ready. We knew we had to make the difficult decision...

December 30th... we went through with the operation. The decision wasn't difficult... but the emotional toll was terrible. Episodes of anger, hours of crying, too many unstable emotions... and he stayed with me through it all. Through the pain, the procedure, the aftermath...

I'm so glad that I have him in my life. It's hardly been a year, but we've been through so much together... call me crazy, but I want to marry this man. He's been supporting me through thick and thin, and I'm just hoping I'm doing the same for him... he's been through so much before me and because of me, and he deserves the best. That's what I wanna be for him.

Just a tant about my favorite person in the world 💜