Update. Day 5, please God make her better!



My 7 week old has a cold. She's miserable! Now she isn't wanting to eat. I'm making sure she doesn't get dehydrated but I am having to pump to keep my supply up. She has so much mucus it chokes her, and is swallowing it so her tummy is upset. If I use too much saline she throws up. We're doing steamy bathroom multiple times a day. I just want her to feel better! All I want to do is lay in bed and comfort her but I have another kid to take care of and have no help. 😔 I hate my babies being sick!!

Update: so apparently day 5 is when they get worse before they get better. I was home with my daughter and my 2 year old, when the baby started having a coughing fit. After a straight minute of non stop coughing I called 911. The coughing continued for another couple of minutes, no breathing in between just cough cough etc. The firetruck, ambulance, and a police officer (who was on his way home and saw the commotion) all came within minutes and seven large men surrounded my tiny baby. She had stopped coughing by this time but could only breath well while being held laying on her stomach. The medic advised me that if it were his daughter he would go to the hospital. My husband made it home and my daughter and I got into the ambulance. We drove to the hospital with the lights and sirens off as a "non emergency" case. When we got to triage her O2 levels were in the low 80s. The nurse suctioned her nose and throat and got a ton of thick mucus out. Her O2 levels jumped to 95! Slowly they declined again and ended in the high 70s at rest. We are now admitted. She is on a low level of O2, full, and peacefully sleeping. Mamas... do not hesitate to get 911 on the phone, trust your gut (and appearently your dog- ours didn't leave baby alone all day! Which I thought was weird, but she knew something was up).

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Posted at
Do the saline over the sink so it comes right back out. Don’t have them on their back. They’ll chock on it. Hope this helps. Also get the fria nose sucker thing.


Posted at
Definitely call her doctor, they might want to check her out if she's not eating normally. My son has had a cold for about a week too. It sucks.


Posted at
My son had the cold at 4 weeks. He’s now 6 weeks and still have a stuffy nose. The dr recommended a jolly jumper crib wedge to prevent the choking. Bathroom steams, saline and nose freida to release the mucus. I was told to head to the ER if he’s not feeding well or struggling to breathe.


Posted at
Try a cool mist humidifier also.


Posted at
Oh my goodness , I sure feel for you and your baby , my baby girl is 7 weeks old and just got over being sick and it was absolute hell , I felt so defeated as I watched my baby girl suffer , I tried everything to make her feel better , but as a mom it breaks your heart watching them go threw this . Hope your baby starts feeling better soon 💜🙏🏻


Posted at
I would take her to see her doctor. Or maybe the E.R.


Ad • Jan 4, 2020
Good! I was saying that because my girlfriends baby girl was having almost the same symptoms and she took her to the E.R and she tested positive for RSV.


Sc • Jan 3, 2020
I have of course taken to the doctor and probably taking her back this afternoon


Posted at
Humidifier at night and use Zarabees Soothing Chest Rub! You can use it from 2 months on. We started using it when Cameron was 4 days shy of 2 months. Other than that just be consistent. I’ve been there and we’re just on the tail end of Cameron’s cold.


Posted at
Check out this item at Target https://www.target.com/p/nosefrida-fridababy-snotsucker-saline-kit/-/A-51037242


Sc • Jan 3, 2020
Oh we have that for sure. Thanks for the tip about over the sink