Your take on assassination of Iranian general


Sooo I’ve always been the type to not “talk bad of the dead” so please don’t insult his death or talk bad about his preceding life after death cause that’s not for anyone to judge other than god (or allah)

So please have respect there.

(And please excuse me cause I really don’t watch tv or keep up with national affairs.)

But I want to know if anyone knows about this man “general soleimani” was he really as bad as the USA news is making him out to be??

The Iranian (from what a reporter said) are sad about his death. Why?? I feel bad if they are sad. Why would they be sad if he was a bad man like the news says he was?

I had a friend from the Middle East years ago and he said that the Middle East needs our help. That it’s really bad their filled with evil people.

But why are they sad if he was evil? Was this man genuinely evil??

I would love to hear others opinions or hard facts. Maybe even to hear from someone who is Iranian.

How and why will this effect our daily lives in both Iran and USA.

Let me remind you to please be respectful of his passing ❤️

Updated to add. That it now has been covered on the news in my area that the general had ammo in tow and was heading to attack the USA embassy.