Moms that nurse full time and pump also...

... what is your average daily pump output?

How many times do you pump and how much do you get each time?

I pump morning and might to have some frozen milk for my 12w baby if my mom or MIL has her for a few hours. I usually get about 4oz on a morning and 1-2 on the evening so roughly 5-6oz per day after full time nursing but ideally I’d like to have a little bit more as I’m always just on top of what I need, just not sure how to get more? If she’s gone for a few hours I do also throw in an additional pump for any feeds I miss.

I admit that I don’t breastfeed overnight as she sleeps though which is a godsend at the moment as I still have anaemia, struggling so much with tiredness that broken sleep makes me feel really ill as I’m exhausted even with the good sleep (otherwise I’d get up to pump).

Just curious to see how this compares to others, am I producing much less or about avg etc - I know everyone is different so it is difficult to truly compare.