6 month old has to go to physical therapy

So I just got back from my baby’s 6 month check up and her pediatrician recommended that she go to physical therapy because she can’t sit up while supporting herself with her hands...she told me it’s fairly common, but wants to get her caught up. I’m freaking out...has anyone else had to take their little ones to physical therapy?

Here is a pic of my babe - I think she can support herself just fine and is getting stronger and stronger by the day, but I’m still freaking out that the doctor thinks otherwise.

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Posted at
uhhh id get a second opinion


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My baby is six months old and just started sitting up on a sister so I would get a second opinion


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My son did PT twice a month for about 3 months & now he just goes every 3 months. Which may stop after his next appointment in Feb. He was about 3 months old when he started. Pretty much all the therapist does is check for progress with his milestones & abilities & things like that. She shows us extra excercises or activities to do with him to help his progress. I really like his therapist & the practice she works with. That being said my son, now 13 months, mostly goes because he was born 7 weeks early so it was recommended by his pediatrician & neonatologist. To make sure he doesn't lag behind. He's had a few issues with his development, but the PT really helped.


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You need a new doctor, that’s a boat load of poooooop. Milestones are general guidelines, I have 3 girls and they all started doing things AROUND the same time. Get a second opinion for sure.


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That's VERY early for that milestone...I'd be getting a second opinion if I were you!!