Daily Check in 1/3/20

Lauren • Married 🥂 Momma x2 to 🐶🐶 TTC #1 - IVF cycle #1 ✨ FET early December ❄️ Baby boy due August 2020 💙

Hi ladies!

Saw that we didn’t have a check in yet for today and thought that I’d create it for those of us with anything to share.

Today marks a big day for me...I graduated from fertility clinic to regular OB! Had my last ultrasound and saw my baby’s heartbeat and measured at 139. I don’t think I shared this yet, but we transferred a boy embryo and my husband and I are over the moon. We didn’t pick the gender but both were secretly pulling for a boy (he has a daughter from his first marriage). I would’ve been happy with either gender honestly! I’m sad and happy about leaving my clinic, they’ve been so accommodating and I’ll miss the attention that I get there. Just wanted to share the good news with you all and thank you for helping me through this! God bless you all! 💙💙💙