Eat Play Sleep vs. Feed On Demand

Bethany 🇨🇦 • Connor 💙 Sept 4 2019. Lukas 🩵 May 1 2023.

Long post alert.

I've been struggling with knowing what I should be doing for a little while. Eat Play Sleep is supposed to help with routine but I'm having such a hard time sticking to it this past few weeks while naps have been short and few. If I feed on demand it's usually 2-2.5 hours between feeds and he is breastfed.

Scenerio 1: Babes wakes up, feeds, somehow goes down nicely for a nap an hour later but only for 20-30 minutes. Meaning only 1hr 30 since last feed.

Scenario 2: Babe wakes up, feeds, fights his next nap and eventually he's been awake for 2-2.5 hours and showing signs of hunger again. I have to feed him before I can keep trying for a nap. Then when he finally goes down and wakes up again, it's only been 40 minutes since last feed.

I'm neither situation is he showing signs of hunger when he wakes from his nap. Should I feed him regardless to start a new 'cycle'? Or should I wait until he's hungry. Or do I just do whatever combo I need to survive until this awful leap/regression is done 🙃