Toddler bedtime trouble

C 🖤

My son (2yo) has always gone through patches of being really amazing at bed time where we’ll put him to bed and do the usual routine and he’ll happily fall asleep by himself, and then all of a sudden he just can’t stand it. He’s in a bad phase right now and I just don’t know what to do.

His dad read him his story and tucked him in an hour ago and since then he’s gotten out of bed umpteen times, he’s cried, screamed, asked to go downstairs, snuck into (and promptly fell out of..) our bed, he’s asked for this or that teddy, said he’s needed a drink, he’s insistent that his dad or I need to sit by his bed while he falls asleep, he’s wanted to wash his hands, he needs to get his scarf from the car... kids getting creative with the reasons I’ll give him that!

Is this a normal age for sleep regression? I’d assume not, but nothing else has changed with regard to his usual bedtime routine etc so I’m at a loss. Usually he gets back to being totally fine with bedtime within a few days and the disruption is usually down to him sleeping at my parents or a family event keeping him up a little late or illness, whatever, but this has been going on for two weeks and I’m all out of ideas.
