Beyond frustrated


Was scheduled to be induced last night around midnight at 37+1 for high blood pressure. Bags were packed, hubby and I were ready to go in, and we got a call that the hospital was full and that they had to push back my induction. I was told to call at 5:30 am this morning in hopes of us coming in at 7 am. Of course I got no sleep at all.

When we called, we were told things are still crazy and that there were no staff to take us. We were told to call back at 9 am, which we did and were again told that there was no room. We are now essentially on an indefinite wait list and will be called in when they have room. Could be today or in a few days. Couldn’t help but cry my eyes out this morning because i was so excited to get the process started. Now I guess we continue to wait 😭