To all of the new moms out there—-

This is long- you’ve been warned.

So my cousin (yet another one) is having her first baby next month. Baby shower is next week. I have two kids of my own. I tend to gift my close friends and family members a giant basket of the last minute necessities- medications (infant fever reducer, gas medicine, nasal saline, Vaseline, etc.) small packs of wipes, diapers, emergency stuff. Along with a few cute outfits of course.

I always based this on when I was a new mom, i can’t count how many times me or my husband had to run out and get these things when our baby would be off, sick, be going to a sitter last minute and so on.

I don’t ever get a good reaction from the people I’ve gifted to. I know it’s boring, but I found these things to be lifesaving on a tired and cranky 2am teething/ feeding night when you can’t always run to the store.

My long winded question is- would you enjoy a gift like this?? Should I just stick to the usual fun things and let the mom and dad pick this stuff up on their own?

And to be clear- I always spend $100+, and the parents are okay with giving proper doctor approved medications and whatnot when necessary. I buy namebrand, and that stuff can be expensive for new parents. Especially when you google every last thing if you are like I was.

Thanks in advance for your honest critique and help!!!

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