Dealing with SERIOUS baby fever

So, we’re both in our twenties and have been together a few years now but we’re not where we’d like to be financially to get pregnant right now; we’re in the middle of saving to buy a house and move out of our parents’ houses but could afford to rent if we wanted to.

But oh, my, goodness, baby fever is raging. I bought a car seat that can be used 0-4years so that we can use it for his nephew but save it for our future family and it seems to have just resparked a broody fire bigger than ever.

We popped into a closing down sale and ended up buying baby things, because investing in our future whilst it’s SUPER cheap is a great idea, and now my other half has requested to go to a different store from the same chain on the search for more bargains tomorrow.

It’s not just the shopping though, we’re both getting super broody, seeing him with other people’s kids melts my heart, and I know we’d make great parents but it’s bitter sweet too.

Within our first 18 months of being together, we ended up having 2 miscarriages. One at around 8 weeks, the other around 6 weeks. We only got pregnant due to our contraception being affected by medications, so they weren’t planned but they were very traumatic, particularly for me. Our first one, if carried full term would be about to turn one and its still something that’s on my mind a lot, but they both just brought us closer together.

I mean, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if we fell pregnant right now, we could cope,(not that we’re planning on it!) but it wouldn’t be ideal. So, advice time please! How to deal with baby serious fever please! Thanks in advance x