My boyfriend


Okay I normally don’t post on here but I just have to lay this out cause it just happened and I wanna cry. I started birth control a little over a month ago and I’ve been pretty overly emotional lately. I went to my boyfriends house and he went outside to work on his car. Normally I’d go out there with him cause we enjoy cars together and I always want to help him when I can, but I don’t feel great I feel pretty lethargic, emotional, and my stomach hurts. My boyfriend texts me and asks me to go grab some gloves from my car for him and I was being a little shit and said “you really want me to put on a bra and shoes and go outside and grab them?” And he said “yes baby if you don’t mind. Thank you so much” I reluctantly went outside and got them and gave them to him being silent and not saying your welcome even though that’s totally not normally me at all. He came back in later and was begging me to tell him what was wrong and I kept telling him that I was upset for a stupid reason and he said it’s not stupid. So I told him I was upset cause I had to put on shoes and a bra (at his parents house I’m not parading around without a bra in case anyone comes home) to walk 20 feet outside and get something for him and normally that would be perfectly fine but today I just feel so not myself. He said “that’s not a stupid reason baby. I’m sorry. Next time I’ll come in and grab your keys and get it myself” and that almost made me cry cause he knows I’m normally totally helpful and always willing to do anything he needs. I told him “no you don’t have to do that I need to get over myself and help you when you need it.” He said “well thank you for telling me why you were upset so I can tell you I’m sorry.” Then I said “no I’M sorry” and we went back and forth apologizing lol. He’s so sweet to me I don’t deserve this perfect man.🥺💜