A baby who requires home oxygen

Hey mamas. I have a little boy who has recently been prescribed home oxygen. And he hates it. He's 9 months old. Hates having the prongs in his nose. He used to sleep through the night. Now he whines for hours and hours. And as soon as I take it off he's out cold within 5minutes.

How do I get him used to it? I would say he will cry and whine on and off for 3-4 hours whether I hold him rock him, put him in a swing or his crib. Doesn't matter. And by the time he falls asleep it's because he is just utterly exhausted. And by then I'm ripping off the tube so my poor baby can sleep and not choke on his own spit.

How do you deal with this? No I can't drug him every night because he'll get immune to tylenol. I've tried music. A warm bath before bed. Night light on. Total darkness. Bottle. Essential oils. A fan. A sound machine. Back rubs and gentle infant massages. Placing him on his side. His back. His tummy. The carseat and drive around the block three times. I've done everything I can think of.