I appreciate anyone’s input. 💜


I was two weeks into a new pack of birth control when I missed two days worth.

I wasn’t having sex at that point and I started bleeding so I figured I would just start a new pack once the bleeding stopped.

(Started bleeding 12/25 after missing 2 days worth and it ended on 12/28.)

I started taking the new pack on 12/28 and I had unprotected sex on 12/29. I then continued to forget my pill for three days after that.

I know there is always a possibility, but am wondering if anyone thinks it’s likely I could become pregnant, and if so when would it be appropriate to test?

Usually I would say not likely if it was right after a period but it was more of breakthrough bleeding so I’m unsure.

Thank you in advance to anyone who replies.

(I am married and we do want to try in coming months so it’s not the worst thing to happen. Just with the holidays my mind is everywhere so I’ve been incredibly forgetful.)