i dont know what to do my husband wants to leave me...

so my husband and i have been together for a total of 4 years and our relationship has hit rock bottom. we have been arguing since new years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> and have not stopped. Today he went off and even to the point that he broke our bedroom door. i am the one that doesnt let him go, i beg him to not leave me. the reason he wants to leave is that i argue too much and scream to much but hinestly i talk to him the way i do because he talks to me like that first (and he doesnt realize it) he says its all me. ive been through so much w. this man, he has always been abusive physically and mentally. now he calls me a fat ass, pig, he says my stomach hangs, that all i do is eat (which has been kind of true its been a while that i always have to munch on something even if im not hungry... and i pay the consequences at night because i get very naseous.) he keeps telling me to let him go that he doesnt not want to be with me, but i truly love him, i dont want to loose him, i know i sound obsessed but can anyone give me some advice.... i really need it...