Unsupportive network


I just need to vent about how completely unexcited all of our family and friends have been about this pregnancy. Our first will turn two just before this bub arrives, which I think will be a great age gap! This was completely planned, and yet everyone just wants to comment "you're pregnant again already?" or "it's going to be tough you know". Never excitement, never congratulations. The only people who've seemed genuinely happy for me are my workmates who are more acquaintances than friends. My husband and I have been married for 8.5 years and everyone was so excited for our first, but I feel like my support network is faltering this time. Especially since I've been more sick, along with chasing after a toddler and would take appreciate a bit of support. My husband has been amazing, but I know he's feeling the strain too. Our first is such a dream baby overall and she's going to be amazing with a sibling. She loves to "help" and is so affectionate. I'm very excited for June, but can't help but feel like I almost want to shut people out a bit and not share anymore of this journey with them. If they don't want to be excited for my pregnancy, why should they get to be all excited for baby cuddles when the time comes?