Can Birth control cause Endometrioma to grow ?

Abby • 🙌🏾

Okay, so I haven’t been officially diagnosed with Endometriosis but last October I did an ultrasound and they discovered I have a cyst on my right ovary and it may be an hemorrhagic or an Endometrioma. They also discovered a fibroid at the back of my uterus. The cyst on my ovary was 2cm & the fibroid is was 4cm. Before I took the ultrasound I got on the pill back in September. So now I did another follow up ultrasound in December and discovered both the cyst and fibroid grew a cm up! Now the cyst is 3 cm and fibroid 5 cm. Had no idea it would have grown so fast in 2 months. My doctor has referred me to a specialist. Honestly I think the birth control had something to do with this. I’m on a diet, cutting out caffeine, red meats dairy & I juice everyday plus I take B6 supplements also I drink herbs like saw plametto, red clover which is good for Endometriosis, red raspberry leaves, chase tree Vitex which is all good for uterine health. I haven’t had any pain what’s so ever during this cycle I didn’t have to take any pain medication as opposed to my last and other cycles which were extremely painful, trapped gas and bloating. Has anybody experience something like this before? Also when I was on the pill I’d always feel so crampy and I would always have mid cycle pain has anyone experience this ?