Men Only Truly Appreciate Women When they Finally Want to Commit

I have grown to believe that guys will only truly appreciate and be grateful for a woman when he feels he is finally ready to settle and have a family. Otherwise, any woman before that will experience issues with him such as him not taking her feelings into consideration, him having trouble to commit to special occasions such as anniversaries, and him not being fond of communication and compromise to make things work. Basically, the women he gets involved with before he chooses a woman to settle down with are treated as a temporary experience.

Women are nurturing, loving, and caring in nature and are looking for that partner to spend the rest of their lives with in order to help raise a family. I see a lot of women on here whom I tend to notice have trouble with their boyfriends committing to compromises they have made. They are like a broken record repeating themselves because the guys don’t listen. When I read a post based on the topic of the guy not putting forth equal amount of effort, it makes me wonder, “Then is this guy even ready to settle?”

So, I think it sucks that a man will only truly appreciate a good woman when HE is ready to settle. Regardless of how good the woman is, if he isn’t ready, she won’t get treated the way she deserves. Not until she finds the man who is looking for eternity with a partner. Have you noticed that there are many positive posts about husbands on here? How they are responsible with the kids and housework, and really good at being romantic?

This probably also happens vice versa where the woman does not want to commit but the man does.

Anyway, I just wanted to share what I have learned and realized about men. In the future it makes me not want to be serious unless the man tells me he is looking for a lifelong partner...otherwise fuck it....if he’s not then he’s just wasting your time. :/